Call of Action/ Publications

Changing Healthcare Outcomes

The Conversation

Research Feautred On

CASA Blog 3.25.14


Call to Action
 121, 968 individuals are waiting for an organ, of which 25,437 are
Hispanic (UNOS, 2014)
 Hispanic need for suitable organs has increased by 260% (Alvarado,
 22 individuals die each day waiting for a transplant (UNOS, 2014).
 Every 10 minutes one individual joins the waiting list for suitable organ
(UNOS, 2014)
 Adolescents are faced with the necessity of making a personal decision
about organ and tissue donation, often without receiving education on
the importance of this decision (HRSA, 2007).
To encourage KPLA and community members to support this community
call to action by supporting BCFI

Next Steps
Current research is in process. This study will examine the effects of BCFI’s
curriculum within all 13 high schools in San Jose California East Side Union
High School District (ESUHSD). Title: Intent to donate a comparison of 2
high school curriculums
Alvaro, E. M., Jones, S. P., Robles, A. S., Siegel, J. Hispanic Organ
Donation: Impact
of a Spanish-Language Organ Donation Campaign. Journal of the
National Medical
Association, 2006; 1: 28-67.
HRSA Transplant Center Growth & Management Collaborative: Best
Practices Evaluation.
Final Report. US Department of Health and Human Services Health
Resources and Services
Administration Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division of Transplantation;
Sep, 2007.
United Nation of Organ Sharing. Data reports and Policies. Available at: Accessed October 15, 2014.



BCFI’s strategic vision is to be a leader in adolescent education surrounding
tissue and organ donation through public education. This research shows
that a diverse single classroom intervention can have population-level
impact on future health communities. The story of Brandon is one of
altruistic gifts, and the story of us is yet to be written. Join us (BCFI) on this
mission by your support, endorsement, and/or donation as we create the
best practices to address the healthcare crisis of organ donation.

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